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Dog Hero Saves Child! 10 Incredible Cases Filmed On Camera

Dog Hero Saves Child! 10 Incredible Cases Filmed On Camera

Hero Dog save newly delivered baby on waste bin

We’ve all heard the saying “a dog is a person’s best friend.” And if you have a dog in your house then I’m sure you know this saying is true. 

These animals are some of the most compassionate and social animals in the world. They love getting attention, but they also enjoy showing affection to those they care about. 

And hey, if you ever find yourself in trouble, they are also eager to do whatever it takes to get you out of any dangerous situation. 

In today’s video, we’ll be looking at “10 Dogs that saved People’s Lives.” These dogs went through all sorts of trouble, including putting their lives at risk, just so they could save the lives of their human friends.

 This list is full of inspiring stories that I’m sure will cheer you up and will make you want to be friends with a dog - if you aren’t yet. 

Hero Dog save child 

You should never underestimate a dog’s weird behavior. 

If you notice something’s odd with your dog, or if they’re trying to get your attention, you should definitely follow their lead and see where they take you. 

That’s exactly what happened when a police officer found this German Shepherd in the middle of the road. 

The dog’s name was Buddy and he was desperately trying to find someone in this remote location. Buddy finally found this police officer who started to follow him.

 And you can see that this is what Buddy wanted; every now and then he would turn around and look, as if trying to make sure that he was still being followed.

 Moments later, the dog finally made it to a house that was on fire. And that wasn’t all! Buddy’s owner was inside that house and he was injured, so they definitely needed to find someone to help them out! The owner was lucky enough to have a dog as smart as Buddy to go get help, and Buddy was lucky to find someone in what seemed to be “the middle of nowhere.”

Hero Dog on rescue

And here’s a video that’s quite the opposite to the previous one. 

Instead of a dog running in the middle of nowhere, we have a dog leading an ambulance through a very complex set of streets that can easily get people confused, unless they’re familiar with the roads! The owner of this dog was at a neighbor’s house collecting bottles when he suddenly collapsed. 

Someone called an ambulance, but in the meantime, the dog went to the streets and looked for help. When the dog spotted the ambulance, he immediately started running back to his owner. 

The ambulance followed the dog and found a crowd around the unconscious man. I guess sooner or later the ambulance would have made it to the scene, but it’s very nice to see that the dog was out ther to make sure that his owner received the help that he needed.

Trained Doy saves man

It’s impressive to see how dog’s can separate the bad guys from the good guys.

 They’re really good at telling when someone has bad intentions that could potentially harm them or their owners.

 This video was recorded at a gas station in Portland, where allegedly, a man was intending to rob the station.

 However, the guy working at the gas station refused to give the money to the robber.

 After all, this guy worked hard for this money! So of course he didn’t want to give it up just like that. 

The best part is that the guy at the station was not alone. He had a loyal friend by his side: a “good-size” pit-bull boxer mix. As the robber kept insisting on taking the money, the dog lunged at him and apparently even went on to bite the robber on the face! The robber had to give up. 

No one in their right mind would want to insist on messing with a dog this big - especially if the dog is eager to bite your face! 

Hero Dogs save before the cops

When it comes to strokes - time is indeed everything! Every second counts and timely medical assitance can save someone’s life.

 That’s why things can get a bit complicated when someone has a stroke and there’s no one around to help them out! But that was not the case of this patient, as she was in the good company of her dogs Bella and Sadie.

 As soon as she felt discomfort, she said, “Mommy needs help,” and her dogs were gone...But for a good reason! A security camera on the house’s front door caught the moment in which the dogs ran outside to get a neighbor to come help them out.

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